Friday, November 07, 2008

Good Grief

Thank you for voting. And thank you for picking the right individual to guide us for the next 8 (or more if they allow for future presidents) years. You know he's my boyfriend and stuff, but Michelle and I are cool, so it's all good. ;) The City of Chicago felt the love on Wednesday and most of Thursday, but when the cold returned to Chicago, so did the douchery. I almost got run over 3 times, and I had the right of way all times, by a car full of African American Yankee fans and then an Asian woman tried to run me over from behind on her bicycle and yes, we were on the sidewalk. She didn't say one word and even hit my arm and said nothing. not a damn thing. At least the guy in the back of the first car that almost hit me seemed apologetic for his hurried driver. Nevertheless it does not give the cabbie the right to take a left when I have the crosswalk sign and almost kill me. He wanted to get out of the car, but thought better of it when he saw my gun that I carry. I wish sometimes. I don't own a gun, but apparently it is my right as an Amuurrrrican. Guns are for law enforcement officers. Anyhooooooo. What's more upsetting about these three occurrences today is they were all less than 1/2 a mile from the Hilton where Obama gave his first post election press conference. I had to get the Chubbs some food at Kriser's and I just stumbled upon all the police/security, tv satelite trucks, and two corners scattered with paparazzi. It occurred to me that I heard them say on the radio this morning that Obama would be at the Hilton. How neat. Later in the day I will learn that his office is in the building across the street from my office. Whatever that man asks of me as an American is top priority. Only now is politics an option, but only if they legalize it. GO Obama!

1 comment:

Wayne said...

It was certainly an interesting, and for the most part, wonderful week. You know me better than most, Boyle, so you know that the fact that I feel anything positive towards a politician of any stripe, race, or creed is a big deal, but I'm just feeling pride over the whole Obama victory. Would be nice to have done without the whole Prop 8 horseshit (is gay the new black?) and the continued life of daily-life douchetards, but one step at a time.