Saturday, December 06, 2008

Shovel Cherry

I broke my shoveling snow cherry this morning and I feel like a new woman. Have I mentioned how much I love snow? If I lived in California, I could not have the "I just don't feel like dealing with the weather, so I'm staying in" excuse. Not too many climates I appreciate more than snowy ones. The only warm place (in U.S.) I'd try my best to cope with living there is New Orleans, but it costs just as much to live there as it does here because housing is not readily available unless you don't mind the state of the residence and/or you have the means to rehab the place. I wish I did. I just read an article in Interview Magazine about an artist that started from scratch and created an amazing art space right before Katrina hit and is still plugging to help rebuild her community one installation at a time. At times I feel a wee bit insignificant to have only the shoveling of snow on the agenda today. Well, and the plastic on the windows. The office sits on the second floor (renovated attic) of the home I rent here in Portage Park. It's a different kind of Chicago neighborhood, but I like the suburban feel in a city environment and it is very useful to live near people that take care of their property. Especially the snow. I got out there at 9am today and I have to say that even though I biffed the icy mix storm the other night and am still dealing with the ice blocks remaining, the salt I picked up yesterday (almost gone- thanks $7.99 jug of pet and plant friendly salt- yay capitalism) has kept the driveway relatively cleared.

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