Even with the super rip that took out the bottom of my raincoat on Thurs, not to mention the stalker on Tuesday and an absolute scare that shook my love for my buddy Chubbs to the core on Friday, this was an absolutely delightful week. Despite the fact that my neighbors returned from a wonderfully long 24 hr vacation away from me, today has been nice. Yesterday I was able to donate blood once again as I haven't been able to in some time since getting sick and having high blood pressure even though I stopped the cigarettes 9 months ago and haven't looked back. The pressure was still high, but lower than it had been in recent checks and hopefully that will continue to plummet as I am trying to take care of my health organically and holistically.
In addition to just a better and more positive attitude towards myself these days, I had two lovely ladies visit yesterday and they keep me reminding myself and everyone how important friends are in your life. I have a loving family, but we are tuuuurrrrrrible communicators and a little on the selfish side, so I rely more heavily on friends in time of need. I consider myself pretty loyal until you (figurative you) do or say something repeatedly damaging, it ends clearly by one saying I can't speak to you anymore, or it just trails off like most of the men I've dated over the last few years. Meh. smell ya later. But these ladies are stupendously spectacular. Super HEEB HO stopped by to help me rid the do and donate the locks to a fabulous cause and Slave came over for some friendship, nail painting and some de-stressing time. Laughter is instant gratification which is why I've once again found myself reaching for comedy in any form. It makes me happier and it helps me let go of the things that are killing me, but I continue to sneeze. I've never sneezed so much in my life. Now that I don't smoke anymore, now I have allergies. Next week I'm going to get some flowers for the balcony unless my living situation changes. Here's hoping things work out for the best and remain more positive than negative.