Friday, November 10, 2006

My Kermit

Have you ever received a phone call from someone that has a whole lotta friends, lives thousands of miles away, and is wicked busy? You wonder, 'Man, you have so many friends and yet you have consistantly made an effort to keep in touch with me. Why me?' He is one of the people that keep me alive. There has been a dip in my positive movement forward in the last couple weeks and the phone call last night has helped lift it up just a bit. This person, in my opinion is the coolest person I have ever met. However; I am terribly awkward around him in our continued and more intimate, at times, friendship. An intense inferiority complex fueled by insecurities about myself as a human, let alone as an artist (with what ever art I continue), keep me awkward around such greatness. Why I give him that much worship is still a total mystery to me, but I think I have made my decision on how I feel about him. I still get entirely too wound up when he calls. I am not talking romantically or sexually, but something else that makes me crazy. I visited him out west not too long ago and I just was completely overwhelmed. A most creative and meditative environment. I have been dealt a variety of positive and negative things over the years. Mostly negative and dissappointment is no stranger, so it's almost expected for everything now. When something is genuinely good, all I want to do is cry because I can't handle it; I'm not used to it. I cried a few times during the trip and when I got home I felt so much better spiritually because of the place I visited physically and mentally. I have given the move out west more consideration and even went so far as to begin the actual route. Moving west is almost a crap shoot for me, but there is something creatively drawing me out there, so it seems only appropriate to check it out. My Kermit is out there, too. He's my real life Kermit the Frog and I just want him to stay in my pocket and keep me company. He sings pretty good, too. Bonus.

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