Friday, June 08, 2007

If They Had Any Fucking Brains

they would not incarcerate these people. A dime bag for fuck's sack. Aside from the whole fucking Paris Hilton thing, you have this bullshit that should never have happened. Why are we still prosecuting people that are harmless? WTF? Why do I feel the need to not only kick random ass, but to roll fatties and light 'em up in public? Rebellion never hit me in college. It's hitting me now.

Education is our only hope. Education on everything. If we don't educate ourselves on everything when it is presented to us, we miss so much. Especially education about drugs and alcohol consumption. Drugs are a problem, but marijuana is a not one of those drugs, it is a resource. A resource not only for health and recreation, but for material that comes in so many different forms including, but not limited to food, clothing and paper. Pot may be a gateway drug, but if you educate yourself and your children on drugs, they will be able to see the difference between crack and pot. Educate. Pot is less of a problem than alcohol consumption in my hippie opinion. You don't have to smoke it. You can eat it, too. It can make the finest cookies you have ever tasted and that's before the effects even kick in.

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